Be Authentic
I can vividly remember, I had a staff member that came to and said, Kiesha, "you're a robot. We know what you're going to say, what you're going to do, and how you're going to respond. There is no emotion behind the work that you're doing.”
Now, that was a mistake on my part! As a leader, I had to take a step back and reflect. As a young leader, I thought I had to come in with this persona of who I was and needed to be- professionalism that allowed my constituents to know that I would lead adequately. However, that wasn't allowing me to build relationships with those I needed the most, my staff.
I had to ensure that for every decision I made, my staff knew the purpose behind it, my why, my passion, and how dedicated I am to education. Today, I challenge you to reflect on your leadership and think about how authentic you are in your interactions, in your leadership, and with your colleagues.
Would they call you a robot?